Metropolitan State University of Denver (MSU Denver, the University) is committed to maintaining environments that are welcoming, safe, and accessible, where all students, staff, faculty, visitors, guests, vendors, contractors, and others can study, work, and/or recreate free from discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying  in all programs and activities of the institution, consistent with University policies, and relevant law.

As the primary civil rights compliance office of MSU Denver, the role of the Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO), OEO’s role is to:

  • Carry out prompt and effective investigations of complaints alleging discrimination, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, stalking and retaliation (for filing a complaint or participating in an investigation);
  • Provide guidance to supervisors, employees, and students;
  • Conduct trainings;
  • Engage outside compliance agencies; and
  • Coordinate Title IX obligations.


OEO encourages all members of the MSU Denver community to report all potential violations of the Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Title IX and Retaliation Policy (the Policy); and the safeguard the safety and wellbeing of the University community.


OEO is MSU Denver’s central intake and referral office for complaints from students, faculty, staff, administrators, and visitors to campus who allege a violation of the Policy. OEO is a neutral fact finder. It conducts interviews, gathers facts, weighs the evidence, assesses the credibility of witnesses, and ultimately makes findings of fact, upon which it will conclude whether the Policy was violated or not. OEO then sends an investigative report to relevant supervisors for resolution of the complaint in the case of employee misconduct, or to the Office of the Dean of Students in the case of student misconduct.

*See the entire Discrimination, Sexual Misconduct, and Retaliation Policy


To report a complaint, call OEO at 303-615-0036 or complete a form HERE

You may also contact an OEO staff member. Please go to OEO’s Contact Page.

Guidance and Assistance

OEO provides:

  • Guidance to supervisors, faculty, employees, and students;
  • Information and consultation to complainants and respondents, as appropriate.

Compliance Trainings

OEO oversees the administration of the following online trainings required of all MSU employees on:

  • Harassment & Discrimination Prevention;
  • Accommodating Disabilities;
  • Accommodations Under the Americans with Disabilities Act;
  • Bullying in the Workspace; and
  • Checkpoint Data.

For more information, click HERE.

Title IX

OEO’s Executive Director, as MSU Denver’s Title IX Coordinator, also is responsible for coordinating Title IX compliance across the University community.  Title IX is a Federal law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex.

If you have any questions, contact us HERE


State and Federal Agencies

OEO communicates with state and federal government agencies regarding compliance issues, as needed.

Physical Location:

Student Success Building

890 Auraria Parkway, Room 306

Denver, CO. 80204

Mailing Address:

Campus Box 63

P.O. Box 173362

Denver, CO. 80217-3362

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